Feng Shui is the ancient art of planning and harmonizing the human environment. It is based on the notion of vital energy Qi, the most important forms of which were considered the natural elements wind and water. The word “feng shui” translates from the Chinese as “wind and water”. It eloquently reflects the ancient Chinese people’s view of the world, who believed that humans and nature, its laws are in close relationship and interaction with each other.
According to feng shui we have to plan our space around us in such a way that our own energy and energy of our environment are in harmony with each other. Life energy Qi should move through habitation and yard smoothly and without meeting on his way obstacles. If in any place, it forms an unfavorable flow or blocked, it introduces dissonance and in the lives of people. As a result of such a negative impact person can have problems at work, health problems, family life, finances and relationships. Planning living and other premises, arranging the furniture, taking into account a system of certain rules, you are able to change your life for the better, to enjoy harmony and happiness.
What is Feng Shui
Feng Shui, which is a cross between art and science, was not created overnight. It was preceded by many centuries of observations of how man and his environment affect each other. It is not surprising that the resulting various laws of Feng Shui are so convincing and have been adopted even in the West, where the mentality is very different. Today Feng Shui is very popular in almost all developed countries. For example, in Sweden and the UK, it is one of the academic disciplines taught at universities. Thr Feng Shui came relatively recently, but our people are happy to catch up with the lost time, because this ancient teachings offer excellent prospects for life.
Knowing the laws of feng shui, you can make adjustments to the already built, existing buildings, facilities, interiors. For example, in some cases it is enough to hang a mirror to eliminate the negative energy, and somewhere to put a paravan with plants as a partition between the zones of the room. In the bedroom, the energy can be improved by changing the light sources or intensity or by changing the bed or bedside table.
The Role of Energy in Feng Shui
To apply feng shui laws in practice it is very important to differentiate between positive energy Qi and negative energy Sha. Our aim is to make Qi circulate through a room smoothly, softly, in waves or in circular motions. If the energy flows in a straight line, it is no better than if the energy is stagnant. Moving Qi straight long trajectories leads to its acceleration and, as a consequence, increasing the intensity, acquiring aggressive nature. The result is a transformation of Qi into Sha. This is why it is considered unfavorable to place a house or other building at the very end of a straight street. Long, narrow, straight corridors also change the positive energy into a negative one. Correct the situation by placing two plants on the left and right, due to which the energy acquires a wavy, gentle flow. The same effect can be achieved by placing a mirror on the walls (just not opposite each other). In addition to redistributing energy flows, this technique visually makes the corridor brighter and larger.

Geomancy in practice
A point worthy of special attention is the amount of furniture in the rooms and various objects (pictures, shelves, etc.) on the walls. For unhindered movement of positive energy through the dwelling, there should be plenty of free space in the dwelling. Otherwise Qi can circulate chaotically or become stagnant. Volume and emptiness must be balanced in order for energy to be distributed in the room in the most optimal way.
The same applies to corners of the room filled with various objects, a lot of unfinished work on a table or elsewhere in the room. There is a high probability that you will never be able to finish it, since chaos blocks your optimism and manifestation of creativity. Such blockages can easily be eliminated by clearing the room of trash and unnecessary things. It is no coincidence that after a general cleaning, for example, carried out at the end of the winter, many of us are visited by a feeling of incredible freedom, relief. This is the time when we can start a brand-new business or come up with interesting ideas, all because we have allowed the cycle to circulate freely. A consequence of changes in the external environment is inevitably internal changes.
Another factor that affects people badly, Feng Shui calls sharp corners, pointed edges of anything that is directed at themselves and/or their homes. If they are inside the room, their negative influence is very easy to eliminate if you put there plants that have round-shaped leaves.
When you have obtained at least minimal knowledge about the unfavorable factors influencing human life, about the conditions of free movement of positive energy, you can start studying your own home from a new point of view – with a view to identifying “bad places”. You should walk through all the rooms and answer the following questions. Where are the energy flows in long, straight lines? How can you change their trajectory? Are there rooms in your apartment or house with doors and windows facing each other? How do you make Qi move smoothly, in a wavy pattern, rather than in a straight line? Are there any “dead corners” in your house and what is there? Maybe your work table is there or is that where you like to sit with a book or watch TV?
If some rooms in your home are lacking or have no energy at all, you need to fix the situation. Decisively get rid of piles of furniture, accumulated for years of things that you have not used for a long time, and are unlikely ever use. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to make energy flows move properly.
To find an optimum variant of placing furniture and other items in rooms, it is not necessary to move them, rearrange them in different places, trying to achieve the necessary effect. You can just draw a plan of your home and draw a pencil furniture, other interior elements, light sources. Experiment as much as you like, erasing the eraser object in one place and depicting it in another. Add partitions, screens, other objects, and plants to the interior of the rooms.